For you sodium conscious members, here is a list offoods at our Grill that is Sodium Smart, each having 750 mg or less perserving.Sodium Smart(under750 mg)Breakfast:wholewheat bagel 570 mgblueberrybis Read more
Postworkout you want to focus on 4 things: hydration, calories, carbohydrates, andprotein. 1. Hydration should be first priority:Dehydrationby only 2-3% can decrease performance. You Read more
Congratulations to the following members who have already completed their 150 hours and received their t-shirt for 2013: Vince Breaux, Steele Latiolais, Eugene Mwatibo, JulianNavarre, Chester Al Read more
#27846#56943#61458#19236#55013#6377#45771#33740#29758#50117If your number is listed above, call bookkeeping @ 984-1682 by April 22nd to receive a $20 credit on your account. Congratulations to Tony Ba Read more
Congratulations to Stanley Lerille who completed his first ironman this past weekend. Stanley was proud to have finished and we are very proud of him for not only finishing, but turning in impressive Read more
Yeah, you asked for it. . . you got it! Effective March 25th we are adding 5 new yoga classes per week. New classes are: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8:00am and 4:30pm and Saturdays at 8:00am. Enjoy! Read more
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