Congratulations to #64888, Cali Mitchell, who is the $100 winner for June. If you would like to be eligible for the monthly drawing, you simply need to sign up for PAPERLESS BILLING. If you are intere Read more
Congratulations to the following members who have completed 150 hours and have received their Superstar shirts for 2016: Terry Hodges, John Irion, George Comeau, Norma Broussard, Erol Catalan, Allen D Read more
Kudos to our ladies (and gents) of the "Wave Class", alias Synchronized Swimmers, for their dedication and imagination. They invite you to join them on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30am Read more
Just in time for summer, we have new kids's Red's logo shirts. Available sizes are: 2T, 4T, 6T, Youth Small, Medium & Large. The cost is $17 each. Supply is limited, so get yours today. Read more
We'd like to remind you to attend the Fit Fest at the Horse Farm next Saturday, May 21st from 7am-2pm. A day of fitness, health and wellness is planned to benefit the Lafayette Central Park. Two of Re Read more
Check out these videos taken at a recent coaches training camp at Stephen F. Austin University. Our Eugene, personal trainer, was asked to speak about kettlebell training and they were kind enough to Read more
Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers. So that our members and employees can spend time with their families we will not have group fitness classes this Sunday, May 8th. Hope you all have a great day! Read more
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