Dr. John Sullivan recently passed the RKC ( Russian Kettlebell Challenge). He is now one of only 3 certified Kettlebell Trainers in the state. More Importantly though is the fact that he even passed it considering his age and weight. He one-handed snatched a 44 lb. kettlebell 60x in under 5 minutes at a bodyweight of 129. He is 64 and one of the oldest to ever attempt let alone pass the Challenge. It was attended by Navy Seals, Pro footballers and hockey players and people from around the world. They have a 25 to 30 % failure rate. John would like to thank Red for getting kettlebells so he could train and for the 40 years that he has been a member. John feels that the last 2 years of kettlebell training has changed him more than all the other training he has done in the past 40 plus years of training.
We congratulate Dr. John and commend his accomplishment!