Congratulations to the following members who completed their 150 hours and received their Superstar t-shirt: Shirley Lissard,Gary Maurin, Emily Climer, Linda Alexander, Sharlette Alexander, Charlotte Meche, Hazelaun Yongue, Sylvia Mier, Jimmy Buford, Kristi Bille, Malise Buford, Donald King, Debra Boyles, Angie Hanagriff, Charles Decker, John Marker, Bath Thomas,Bob Hendershot, Neriah Melancon, Corina Melancon, Brydon Melancon, Nanette Heggie, Rosmary Zehnder, Nicole Bruchez, Lee Albert, Alice Kerne, Kathi Bourgeois, Shirley Arimah, Mary Ctherine Hager, Blaine Perrodin, Ed Gonzalez, Wen Depriest, Byron Dutel, Madge Madona, Mari McCarron, Mary Hendershot, Shirley Hunter, Shari Dronet, Carey Chopin. Brandee Ketchum, Zachary Fuhrer, Sherrie Lafleur, Lacey Cooke, Tom Pritchard, Gerry Pritchard, Norman Brennan, Linda Amo, Annie Leboeuf, Mary Langley, Kerry Whitmeyer, Roy Salas, Deborah Salas, Donna Kragle, Brian Bergeron, Alesha Miller, Rhonda Voorhies, Paige Eusay, Carl Campeaux, Chester Gosnell, Jason Broussard, Camille Shaw, Carolyn Porche, Jmie Lemaire, Rubin Francis, Peggy Hanes, Jerry Hanes, Daniel Silva, Catherine Hargrave, James Hargrave, Jessica Arnold, Eric Guillory, Debby Mathews, Mignon Mouton, Mary Ann Lavergine, Vicki Klara, Evelyn Fontenot, Betty Cook, Janet Wilson, Joan Ransonet, Konnie Adams, Wayne Bollich, Randy Charpentier, Stephen Concepcion, Megan Hays, Christopher Guillotte, Laurie Lightfoot, Claire Peltier, Brooke Conque, Danny Boyer, Leo Dartez Jr., Ed Villien, Charles D. Beazley, Judith a Dugas, Nell Drobish, Tim Melancon, Dailee Melancon, Tara Callais, Jennie Guidry, Ken Dugas, Connie Castille, Robert Courville, Cynthia Richard, Evelyn Mitchell, Bernice Hartley, James M. Daubers, Darriel Green, Beau R. Phares, Brenda Guilbeau, Gail Doctor, Andrea Doucet, Bobbi McGaughey, Gale Colvin, Rosco Billeaud, Janice Hebert, Verda M. Trahan, Philip a Kerne, Ryan Kincaid, Chatherine Landry, Reese Fontenot, John Yunis, Angela Chauffe, Nick Repar, David Reedy, Mark Staton, Brenda Tharp, Cameron Robinett & Lynne Worth.