Ok it’s that time of the year, parties, parties, parties! And with parties come tables of food, food, food! Take this fast and easy quiz to test your knowl Read more
Congratulations to Kellee Fell who recently completed a 1/2 marathon with Team in Training, a fund raiser for Leukemia & Lymphoma. Keep up the good work Kellee. Read more
It's post-season in major league baseball, which means it is time for Red's 2011 World Series . . . of Tennis, that is! This year's tournament weekend offered great weather, delicious food Read more
#58930#49310#51359#31240#59172#27713#27216#1669#22735#49285If your number is listed above, call bookkeeping @ 984-1682 by November 22nd to receive a $20 credit on your account. We are sorry to say tha Read more
Congratulations to the following members who have completed their 150 hours and received their t-shirt: Scott Saltzman, Marie Paule Savoy, Kristen Seaux, Tom Spencer, Renee Spencer, Lori Haiko, Judy B Read more
This is a great and easy recipe, only 365 calories per serving, and provides 95% of your daily need for manganese. (This mineral helps you to metabolize proteins and carbohydrates and aids your body i Read more
When hitting the 40s and 50s, most adults tend to lose muscle mass and put on weight. Why is that? Well there are a few reasons that contribute including stress, hormones, overeating, an Read more
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