February is American Heart Month. With Cardiovascular Disease being the nation’s largest killer, it’s always a good idea, whether you have the disease or not, to brush up on the latest health i Read more
If you suffer from constant heartburn, you know how much of a miserable feeling it can be. Here are 3 easy tips that could help cut your episodes by 30%!Skip the soda. In a recent study, Read more
Congratulations to the following members who have completed their 150 hours and have received their t-shirt for 2010: Stephanie Toups, Sarah Comeaux, Susan Holliday, Mary Sibille, Melissa Morga Read more
#32111#42571#44651#27176#39112#4653#48521#5082#19499#56481If your number is listed above, call bookkeeping @ 984-1682 by February 22nd to receive a $20 credit on your account. Congratulations t Read more
In addition to the lunch items, Nancy and I recently finished the nutritional analysis on our breakfast items! Here is a list of our 500 calories or less breakfast menu to help you get your day Read more
Estelle & Nancy have been hard at work calculating the calorie count of our menu items. Check out our Grill items available under 500 calories. Let us help you monitor your calorie intake.Under Read more
January 1st has come again and its time to set those New Year’s Resolutions. Many people often set these goals and then joke about how long it will be before they give up or fail. Well Read more
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