Lagging in energy these days? With the summer being a hot and hectic time for most, you may feel tired some days more than usual. Here are 3 easy diet tips to help you increase your energy level: apples, sesame seeds, and water.
Apples: Red or Green apples are loaded with the phytochemical Querectin. Studies done on athletes ingesting high does have shown querectin to increase athletic endurance.
Sesame Seeds: Sesame seeds are high in the mineral called Magnesium. One of magnesium’s main jobs is to help our cells turn the foods we eat into energy our body can use. This food is very versatile and can be added to any food, breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack.
Water: This one should be pretty easy to understand, the more dehydrated you are the more tired and cranky you can get. Even just being a little dehydrated can cause excessive fatigue. Even though water is usually always available, we don’t always drink it like we should. Carry a water bottle around with you all day and try and fill it up 2-3 times.
Estelle L. Benoit, RD, LDN