I can across this exam on rd411.com and thought it was very interesting! Its really simple and only 10
questions. For each question
answer: Frequently, Sometimes, or
Never. Frequently = 3 points;
Sometimes = 2 points; and Never = 0 points. Add up your score at the end and get your results.
Do you have a tendency to eat when you are bored,
even if you are not physically hungry?
Do you eat when with friends or family or at
special celebrations even though you are not physically hungry?
Do you eat when you are sad about something that
has occurred in you personal life, even if you are not physically hungry?
Do you eat when you are stressed or anxious about
an upcoming event or situation, even if you are not physically hungry?
Do you tend to have strong cravings for specific
foods or food combinations?
Do you feel that you spend more time thinking about
food than other people do?
How often are you ashamed of the quantity of food
that you eat?
How often do you clean your plate, even after you
are full, to either avoid wasting food or to not offend the person who prepared
your meal?
How often do you eat specific “comfort foods” when
you are upset?
10. How
often do you find yourself eating, even though you are not physically hungry,
in an attempt to “perk up” when your energy lags?
14-20: It is likely that you have a
serious problem with emotional eating, and this is likely impacting your
ability to eat a moderate and well-balanced diet. It is highly recommended that
you follow the recommendations that follow to help cope with the emotional
eating habits that you have formed.
7-13: You have a tendency toward
emotional eating and may find it helpful to read through the recommendations
that follow. It is likely that you are sometimes able to exert adequate
self-control when it comes to emotional eating, but have a very difficult time
doing so during other situations. It is important that you recognize what your
triggers are in order to set up a “game plan” for difficult times.
0-6: You do not seem to have a
tendency toward emotional eating. You may, however, want to read through the
following tips in order to gain a greater understanding of others who struggle
with emotional eating.
for Emotional Eaters
The following tips can
help you or someone you know deal with emotional eating.
Why are you
The first step to quitting emotional eating is to become aware of why you are
eating. Humans feel many different things on any given day, but rarely register
these feelings unless they are severe or a drastic change from the norm.
What is
It is important to determine if you are neglecting a part of your life.
Spirituality, family, friends/social life, and creative expression are common
examples of areas that are important to many people. Although each person is
unique, all humans share some common needs.
What areas need
more focus?
Many people eat in an attempt to fill a part of their life that was abandoned.
Once you figure out what area needs more focus, you can find effective ways to
gain more balance to your life and values.
Are you
planning activities that do not involve food?
Many people have difficulty separating food and the fun of spending time with
loved ones. Planning activities that do not revolve around food takes time and
energy, but it is well worth the effort.
Are you
Preparation is key. Keeping a nutritious snack in your purse, pocket, glove
compartment, or desk at work can help to stop you from reaching for the first
comforting food that you come across.
Are you
controlled by your ‘to do’ list?
Everyone is bogged down by “to do” lists—lists of the things that absolutely
must get done. Then we spend our time furiously trying to get through those
lists in order to feel productive. What if you had a “might want to do” list of
things that you enjoy doing when you do not have the time or energy to do the
things that are on your regular “to do” list? Much of emotional eating takes
place during these times. Pulling out the “might want to do” list can help you
to plan something fun, rather than mindlessly eating and berating yourself for
not completing the things on your “to do” list
Estelle L. Benoit, RD, LDN